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Old Jul 06, 2006, 08:05 PM // 20:05   #21
Krytan Explorer
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Kurzicks have much better armor and maps. And also if i remember correctly during the preview and towards the beggining wasn;t it the Luxons who had greater numbers than the kurzicks?
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Old Jul 06, 2006, 08:24 PM // 20:24   #22
Krytan Explorer
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My Guild decided on the Kurzick side during the FPE, because most of them had a lot of Kurzick faction before it was over. I did the Kurzick quests, finished the missions, bought end-game armor, and am now doing Luxon quests; it's BUGGING me that I have half a map that I havent explored (lol)...
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Old Jul 06, 2006, 08:24 PM // 20:24   #23
Hell's Protector
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Originally Posted by TB_
The luxons dont have a create time in Factions.
I honestly dont know what you just said there. Could you repeat please?

Their playtime is worth less, they have 2 friendly Ab maps vs Kurzicks 3, and half their armor is ugly.
False. Saltspray is neutral. Each side has 2 advantaged maps.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lot of people love Kurzick Warrior 15k, but i find it ugly and much prefer the 1.5k version (except the helm). I would rather have Luxon 15k warrior than Kurzick 15k warrior. But thats my opinion.

Its common to see most people in luxon areas to be wearing Kurzick armor. Its no wonder the Kurzicks seem to have so many on their side.
Yes... it does seem like theres more Kurzicks because of all the Luxons wearing their amor....but judging from King Simeon's thread it seems more Luxons wear Kurzick armor but are STILL Luxon, so the numbers are not as lopsided as it seems.
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Old Jul 07, 2006, 08:30 AM // 08:30   #24
Wilds Pathfinder
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I can't decide whether it's funny or just sad that NOBODY is ever going to say they picked one side or the other for roleplaying reasons.

I will. ^_^

Kurzicks would be perfectly nice, peaceful people, if the playground they're on wasn't full of bullies. The Luxons will outright say, "I'm bigger and stronger than you, so I deserve your lunch money"!

At the end of the game (no real spoiler here), the Kurzicks say that peace was nice, but they'd better look to their defenses, because the Luxons will probably attack again soon.

I was thinking that the Kurzicks were paranoid until I talked to the Luxons. What did they say? "Ooh, those pansy Kurzicks probably have their guard down right about now. We should gather our forces and strike as soon as possible!"

I think that the "look" of each side is equally lovely, and unique, although they cater to different tastes.

The attitude of each side, though, made it easy for me to choose the Kurzicks.

Last edited by Rhedd; Jul 07, 2006 at 08:33 AM // 08:33..
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